By: Bianca Strzalkowski

Branding evokes a feeling in customers that can create a loyal—and lucrative—following.

Entrepreneur Tom Geist understands the value of proper branding. The owner of SoCal Hot Sauce, formerly TG’s Hot Sauce, recently rebranded his entire company in anticipation of increased growth in the new year. His branding strategy focused on representing his product line in a way that resonated with potential customers.

“We would often get the question, ‘TG’s Hot Sauce? What kind of sauce is that?’ We needed a new name and logo that was more professional and let the customer know what kind of sauce they were looking at. SoCal Hot Sauce™ was the answer,” he said.


2017-01-23T16:26:29-05:00January 18th, 2017|CEO Highlight, PowerTips e-newsletter|


Braggarts don’t breed customers. 45% of online followers said they will unfollow a brand on social media because of too much self-promotion, according to a survey conducted by BuzzStream. The way in which a company uses social media platforms affects brand reputation and determines growth online. Powerhouse Planning can assist your company in developing innovative ways to connect with your networks. Check out services here: External Communications.

In last quarter’s POWERTIPS, Technical Writer Jennifer Morrison shared tips for interacting with business audiences in The Social Media Realm: A Lesson in Etiquette.

2017-01-23T16:27:06-05:00January 18th, 2017|PowerTips e-newsletter|


By: Rebecca Alwine

Two entrepreneurs gave their brand a refresh to align their sassy business personality with an evolving vision.

Owners Shiang-Ling Bissonnette and Miranda Perales make up the dynamic duo behind The Hive & Co, a company that provides consultation services to small businesses. The team of two—both military spouses—joined forces after recognizing they each had skill sets that could balance each other out to make a strong partnership. Bissonnette brings the creative side, while Perales has an extensive background in marketing.


2017-01-23T16:27:52-05:00January 18th, 2017|Marketing Buzz, PowerTips e-newsletter|


By: Jennifer Morrison

It’s the traditional time of year when businesses distribute yearly bonuses or end-of-year gifts to their employees, contractors, and freelance workers to say “thank you” for their hard work throughout the year. But what if instead of one check (that’s taxed at a ridiculous rate) or company branded swag, you—as the employer—spread your appreciation for your employees throughout the year?

Money Doesn’t Always Talk

You may be thinking, “Who doesn’t want money?” Of course, everyone wants money, but it can create two problems. The first problem is the limit of your company’s budget. If you can only afford to reward your employees and contractors once a year, generally at the end of the year, it can appear that the gift is one of obligation or expectation rather than true gratitude. People don’t want to feel like they’re a check on their employer’s to-do list. In 2014, The Atlantic reported that employees would rather receive non-monetary perks in lieu of more money. The second problem is the message you can send to your employees if you can’t afford to give a large monetary gift. Employees can interpret your financial gift as a reflection of their job performance and find it wanting.

So if you’re a small business with a limited budget, how can you say “thank you” to your employees for a job well done?


2017-01-18T21:20:40-05:00January 18th, 2017|Business Etiquette, PowerTips e-newsletter|

Client Profile: P.R.E.P.S., Inc.

Powerhouse Service Provided: External Communications

“Working with Powerhouse was a great experience. We are looking forward to future opportunities to use their services.” 

Antoine Corbin, Executive Director of P.R.E.P.S., Inc.

Interested in learning how we can help your company grow regarding your marketing collateral? Email us at We’d love to be on your team!

2017-01-18T21:20:30-05:00January 18th, 2017|PowerTips e-newsletter, Service & Success|


A targeted branding strategy can attract new customers while convincing existing customers to share company content, news, and products or services. Memes and infographics, for example, are likely to be shared if they are crafted in an attractive, visually appealing way. Platforms offer content creators, from novice to professional level, the opportunity to build graphics, edit images, and create animated videos for free or low monthly fees.

Canva: One of the most popular current platforms, Canva lets users create professional looking documents, such as brochures and flyers, make images, and generate memes.

Animoto: This video platform allows businesses to create videos for marketing with images, animations, and audio.

Stencil: Perfect for social media, users can create images in minutes.

2017-01-23T16:29:20-05:00January 18th, 2017|Business Resources, PowerTips e-newsletter|

Nonprofit Profile: Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN)

By: Randi Cairns

There is a great deal of debate about the military-civilian divide—the idea that there is a split or disconnect between the U.S. military community and the American public at large. While most folks on the military side of that equation agree that there is a gap between their experience as a military-connected person and the general public’s understanding of their service and sacrifice, there’s a missing piece of the puzzle.

To suggest that there is an “us” and “them” overlooks the tremendous diversity within the military community itself.  There are differences between branches of service, between active duty and Guard/Reserve components, between officers and enlisted, etc. There is no one voice that can speak for a singular military life experience.

The Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN) is doing something about that. Their mission is to connect military families with the resources they need to thrive and to convene thought leaders within the military family community who, through collaboration with outside organizations and effective communications practices, will elevate their voice as well.


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